When I was in 10th grade I had my first fight in school… believe me… it wasn’t something I wanted! It happened right after my wood shop class. There was this kid at our school named Horace Hausenbaucher… I’m serious here… I am not making up that name…. Kids in our school called him Orriville Reddenbaucher…
Well, during shop class some guys in the class took Horaces’ backpack and filled it with sawdust. I was not in on this prank… and didn’t even know they had done it. Well, Horace was pretty mad, and I guess a few years of being teased and called Orriville Reddenbaucher were just ready to spill out of him.
The guys who did this to him told him that I was the one who had done it… and even though Horace and I had actually gotten along pretty well… he would not believe me when I told him that I had nothing to do with it.
Well, these guys then convinced Horace that he should do something about it… and that something was to fight me after class… man, I tired so hard to talk him out it… but he was determined… so after class, out in the hallway… Orrville… sorry, Horace… was waiting for me — and of course by now… there was a crowd of students as well.
Horace was on the school wrestling team… he wasn’t very good… but he started to circle me like he was at a high school wrestling match and I just kept turning with him and trying to convince him to stop, when he suddenly rushed me and grabbed me in a headlock, and pulled my head down by his waist. He was bigger than me and when he grabbed me, it really scared me… so I quickly reached up and grabbed his hair and then I punched him twice in the face… and he let go of me… then the shop teacher came out and broke things up.
I know… not very exciting… and no one was really hurt. And even though it was not something that I wanted, when I was sent to the principles office; I knew I was in trouble… Fighting at school, for whatever the reason was a 5 day suspension… I was already processing what the ramifications of that would be on my grades, my track team and at home.
But something amazing happened.
When I explained to the principle what had happened and how it had all gone down, and with the help of my shop teacher who really liked me, the principle said that he understood what had happened, and he didn’t suspend me… he didn’t suspend Horace either.
And man, was I glad that he didn’t suspend me! That day, my principle demonstrated mercy to me. He didn’t punish me for something that I had done, even though I deserved it. Because I was pardoned of the offense, there were no negative ramifications to my grades, my track season or my personal liberty when my parents found out. (I never did tell them, and I should be ok, I’m well past grounding years).
Mercy is a wonderful thing. Think of the angst that any impending punishment brings with it. Maybe a court date… or parental rule broken… or an infraction at work… a wrong committed against someone you love… or even imminent consequences over a sin — and then, in the moment, when justice could be meted out… mercy is given.
As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins… But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ… Ephesians 2:1, 4-5a NIV Thank you God for the mercy you give us through Christ Jesus!
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