1. Abigail Pregnancy Services
2. American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ)
3. American Cornerstone Institute
4. Americans United for Life
5. And Then There Were None (Abby Johnson)
6. Care Net
7. Center for Christian Virtue
8. The Center for Medical Progress
9. Concerned Women for America
10. Created Equal
11. EndAbortionNow.gov
12. Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
13. Family Research Council
14. Focus on the Family
15. Heartbeat International
16. Heaven Sent
17. Heritage Action
18. Human Life International
19. Liberty Counsel
20. Life Decisions International
21. Life Legal Defense Foundation
22. Live Action
23. March for Life
24. The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates
25. National Pro-Life Alliance
26. National Right to Life
27. Ohio Right to Life
28. Operation Rescue
29. Preborn
30. Pro-Life Across America
31. Save Helpless Babies
32. Speak for the Unborn
33. Students for Life of America
34. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
35. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
36. Truth & Liberty Coalition
37. ValorAmerica