KIDZ ZONE: This program is for kids from K - 6th grade on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 7:45. Come early for dinner which is served from 5:30-6:15PM.
Jr & Sr High Students: Join Pastor Austin in the youth room on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 for a time of fun, fellowship, a relevant message, and learning what it means to have a meaningful relationship with Jesus.
Easter Egg Candy: We’re asking for some donated candy to fill Easter eggs for this years hunt (after the 10AM service on Easter Sunday. Please bring candy to the church office.
Co-Ed Volleyball: 18 yrs and up. Sunday, March 16, 3-5 PM in the FLC.
Visitation: The Deacons are looking for people who might be interested in visiting people who may be in need of just that. A quick visit to make someone’s day a little brighter. Meeting date and time coming soon.
VBS Decoration Making: The schedule is set for Saturdays starting at 10 am., Sundays will start at 1pm. March 29th & 30th, Sat April 5th, Sun April 27th, Sunday May 4th at the Winans shop at 2963 Maple Ridge Rd Willard. No experience is necessary, and many hands are needed to make this another successful VBS.
Columbia: Please pray for: God’s comfort and strength for the family and congregation of the late Rev. Jairo Pulgarin, who faithfully served the Lord for 42 years with tenacity, courage, and dedication. He was a testimony of God’s sacrificial love, prioritizing the mission above all else; The leadership of each church headquarters--pray for wisdom, strategies, and tools to help them mobilize the local church to engage in multiplication and church planting; The nation of Colombia amid its sociopolitical conflicts--pray for God’s care, justice, and love to be extended to the country.
Hearing Impaired Devices: We are pleased to offer hearing assistance devices, available at the Welcome Center.