In 1775 the United States government founded a military branch known as the Continental Marines. Later named the Marine Corps, these highly trained fighters traveled aboard Naval vessels and usually were the first military personnel to see armed action in times of war. Over the past 2 centuries, the United States Marines have become the most dominant military force in the world. Highly trained and fiercely loyal, these men and women continue to protect our country and serve our nation with valor and courage. Their motto? Semper Fidelis — from the Latin language meaning: “Always Faithful”.
While I love the thought of “always faithful,” I realize that a motto is only effective if the people under said motto hold to it. If people do not take ownership of a motto, or let’s say a mission statement, then the purpose behind the organization can quickly become unclear. The purpose of the motto is to provide focus.
At Christian Alliance Church our motto… our mission statement is: We seek to EXALT JESUS CHRIST by making disciples… who make disciples… who make disciples… by teaching people to LOVE JESUS in all they do, to GROW TOGETHER in Christian Community, while encouraging them to SERVE YOUR WORLD by making a difference for Jesus. It is on the back of your bulletin every week.
Lately, I have realized that I could be doing a better job championing the mission and leading us in our core values. Perhaps I have made assumptions that others have the same understanding that I have.
Folks of CAC… EVERYTHING is about Jesus. The New Testament proclaims the sufficiency and authority of Jesus Christ. He is Ruler and Judge… He is Savior and Redeemer… He is King Over All. The highest calling anyone can have in life is to exalt Jesus Christ as Lord.
At CAC we seek to EXALT JESUS as we LOVE JESUS through our obedience and choices as our act of worship. Jesus said, “If you love me you will obey my commandments” (Jn 14). To obey is better than sacrifice. We LOVE JESUS when we seek to be like Jesus… because becoming like Jesus is the fullest expression of obedience to Jesus.
We also EXALT JESUS when we value and contribute to Christian Community. When Christians GROW TOGETHER the body of Christ is strengthened and encouraged. Biblical community was the highest ideal of the early Church. Everything they did — they did together and in unity. When Christians Do Life Together, we become the expression of Christ’s body in the world today.
A third way that we seek to EXALT JESUS at CAC is by encouraging folks to SERVE YOUR WORLD. God has placed each of us in specific places and situations, and gifted us with abilities and talents to make a difference for Christ in the world around us. We are most like Jesus when we lovingly serve.
I believe a fully devoted disciple of Jesus will LOVE JESUS well… will value the ideal of biblical community by seeking to GROW TOGETHER… and will enthusiastically embrace the calling to SERVE YOUR WORLD. Why? Because these things will produce DISCIPLES of Jesus Christ.
What about you? A motto is only effective if the people under said motto hold to it.
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