Have you ever noticed how much of our entertainment centers around conflict? Star Wars is a galactic conflict. Lord of the Rings is a Middle Earth conflict. The Star Trek sagas — conflict. The Walking Dead — Zombie conflict. Game of Thrones… well… I’ve never actually seen that but it SEEMS to be full of conflict. Hallmark movies — should-I-date-this-guy conflict. Actually, many movies involve conflict whether it is relational conflict, beating the “bad guys” conflict or even comedic conflict (has there ever been a more challenging Christmas season than the one Clark Griswold had?) Most video games involve some sort of conflict to overcome, and even many musical artists sing about conflict… Taylor Swift has built an empire of being-jilted-by-a-boyfriend conflict.
You know, it’s really not too surprising that conflict is so prevalent in the entertainment industry because conflict is just part of life. We all experience it. Conflict over health… money… relationships… work… community… church… (wait, why did I write church… there is NEVER conflict in church). Yeah, life is full of conflict.
Of course, when we hold to the teaching of the Bible, we understand why there is so much conflict in the world. Humanity’s refusal to submit to the authority of God has led to the rise of sin in the world, and since God and sin are in conflict with one another… so are those who live in a sin-filled world. Disease, war, famine, broken relationships, abuse, racism… some of the really big conflict experiences in the lives of people trace their roots back to human beings choosing to enter into conflict with God.
On the night that Jesus was born thousands of angels sang, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”( Luke 2:14) Christmas season is the reminder that Jesus brings the gift of peace. Can peace be found in a
world of conflict? In Jesus it can be. “And he will be called… The Prince Of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)
The only way to solve the sinful conflict found in the human soul is through a relationship with Jesus. The bible teaches that those who are in conflict with God are his enemies (Colossians 1:21)… but when we are in relationship with Jesus we become God’s friends (John 15:14). Friendship with God does not guarantee a conflict-free life in this current world. We will still have to navigate conflict in many areas of our life, but we do have the promise of God’s presence with us today and of peace in the life to come.
Have you ever noticed in movies and books how little time is spent revealing life AFTER the conflict is beaten? The conflict resolution is the climax of the story… and then… it just ends. I admit that frustrates me a bit sometimes. And… they lived happily ever after — can I get a little bit more. Come on! I want a little detail. Give me a bit more insight into life in Middle Earth after the fall of Mordor. I wouldn’t mind a bit more story line in some of my favorite books after the heroes triumph.
How will the story unfold for those “on whom his favor rests” in the life to come? “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:3-5) Summation? NO. MORE. CONFLICT.
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